
Indigenous friends walking in a forest.

Manage your pain with LivePlanBe+

LivePlanBe+ is a free online program that helps people living with pain make small changes that add up to big improvements in well-being.

Friends sharing a coffee and a chat.

Online Pain Support and Wellness Groups

Pain Support and Wellness Groups offer an opportunity for people living with persistent pain to meet regularly online and build a community of support while learning about pain, pain management and coping strategies.

Woman writing ideas on a bulletin board.

Education for Health Professionals

Pain BC offers health care providers with the education, tools, and skills they need to improve the lives of people living with pain.

Woman wearing glasses looking at the camera smiling.

Pain Waves

Pain Waves is a podcast created by Pain BC where listeners can hear leading chronic pain experts and people in pain discuss the latest research, tools, stories, and trends.

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