Talk to someone who understands

Coaching for Health is a free program that will give you an opportunity to talk to someone regularly who gets what it takes to live with pain. Together, you can explore how to shift your life, lighten your days, manage pain, and successfully reach your goals for a return to function, confidence and hope!

What is the Coaching for Health program?

Coaching for Health is a free telephone coaching program designed to help people living with pain learn self-management skills, regain function and improve their well-being. It has been shown to help people with pain to improve confidence as active participants in their own health. Coaching can help you get started with self-management and encourage your ability to change behaviours that impact your health.

How to access Coaching for Health

The program is accessed through a referral from a registered health professional. Ask your doctor, nurse practitioner, physiotherapist, or other health care professional for a referral or, better yet, download the referral form and take it to your next appointment.

If you do not have access to a health care provider or are finding it difficult to get a referral to the program, our Pain Support Line staff can help. Get in touch with us at 1-844-880-PAIN (7246) or

Information for referring health care professionals

Referrals to the program come from all registered health professionals.
Fax referral form to (888) 329-5702
If you have questions about this program, call us toll-free at 1-844-430-0818 (press 1, then press 2).

Health care professionals can refer a patient to the program if:

  • The client is 18+ years old.
  • The client lives in BC.
  • The client has a chronic pain diagnosis or has been living with stable persistent pain for more than three months.
    • If the time frame is shorter, and the health care provider feels the patient is highly motivated to self-manage with a stable condition, they may still refer the patient to the program.
  • The pain is interfering in the client's daily function in one or more domains: general activity, mood, walking ability, normal work, enjoyment of life, relationships with other people, and sleep.
  • The client desires change but is unsure how to proceed or feels stuck in old habits.
  • The client self-identifies as interested in self-management.

Ready to get started?

Download the Coaching for Health referral form


Funding for this program is provided by the Government of B.C., the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC), the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller, and the Hamber Foundation.