
Leave a gift in your will to Pain BC

Your support of Pain BC can help improve the lives of people with pain for generations to come. When you make a gift to Pain BC in your will, you’ll leave a legacy of hope, care and action.

How do I include a gift in my will?

A bequest is a gift made in your will and is a highly effective way of carrying on your legacy of support and care for people with pain. The easiest way to include a gift in your will to Pain BC is to get professional help from a legal advisor experienced in preparing wills. As part of making your will, or revising an existing will, it is very important that you include the correct full legal name of the charity.

Our Legal Name: Pain BC Society

Our Charitable Registration Number: 83220 0422 RR0001

Sample will clauses

You can use the following sample language in your will to leave an unrestricted gift (a donation to be spent at Pain BC’s discretion) or a restricted gift (a donation to be spent for a specific purpose).

Unrestricted gift

I hereby give the residue of my estate (OR __% of the residue of my estate OR the sum of $_____) to Pain BC Society (BN: 83220 0422 RR0001), if it is in existence at the date of my death, to be used for such purposes as the Board of Directors of the Pain BC Society shall decide in their discretion.

Restricted gift

I hereby give the residue of my estate (OR __% of the residue of my estate OR the sum of $_____) to Pain BC Society (BN: 83220 0422 RR0001), if it is in existence at the date of my death, to be used for __________. If unforeseen circumstances make the specified use of this gift no longer practical or desirable, as determined by the board of directors of Pain BC Society, the Board of Directors of Pain BC Society may change the terms of the specified use, such change to be in keeping as far as possible with the general intent of this gift.

Other ways to leave a legacy

Designating Pain BC as the beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance policy is an effective way to create a lasting legacy to support future generations. In order to designate Pain BC as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, contact your insurance agent or financial planner. You will need to provide them with our full legal name and charitable registration number (listed above).

Contact us

We welcome the opportunity to speak to you about your planned legacy gift so we can thank you for your commitment, better understand how to honour your intentions for your gifts’ use, and discuss if and how you would like to be publicly acknowledged for your generosity. A donor’s wish to remain anonymous will be strictly respected. Please let us know if you have included a gift to Pain BC in your will or if you have questions about doing so by contacting us at or 1-844-430-0818.