Resources for people with pain
Pain BC has many education and self-management resources for people living with pain, which you can view here.
Resources for health professionals
Pain BC Resources

Allied Health Approaches to Chronic Pain Management: A Tool for Primary Care Providers
Download (PDF)
Chronic Pain Management Roadmap

Emergency Discharge Sheet
Download (PDF)
Passport to function
Passport to functionOther Resources
Information for Health Care Providers on Marijuana
Health Canada
Published in September 2010 by Health Canada to provide information on the use of cannabis for medical purposes.
Pain Assessment and Management Residential Care Standards
Pain Assessment and Management Residential Care Standards outlines the standards used in private and public residential care facilities in BC since 2007. Specifics related to cognitively impaired patients are noted throughout.
Pain Matters: A Family Guide to Pain Management in Dementia
The Alzheimer's Society Ontario
The Alzheimer's Society Ontario has developed this useful pamphlet to help those caring for people with dementia recognize the signs of pain. Because people living with dementia struggle to express pain in typical ways, they may be living with untreated pain and this can be a problem particularly for those in the later stages of dementia who may have issues communicating.
Groups and associations
- The Canadian Pain Society's Pain Resource Centre is designed to be a centralized resource for all Canadians dealing with pain and pain management - a place on the web where people can obtain reliable information so that they may better help themselves, their clients, their family members, friends, and co-workers.
- The Michael G. DeGroote National Pain Centre is dedicated to improving the management of pain through the dissemination of best practice information.