July 01, 2018 4:00AM
It is well appreciated that there is a high rate of unemployment among those living with multiple sclerosis (MS), with rates ranging from 24% to 80%. This is in stark contrast to the fact that 90% to 96% of individuals with MS are employed prior to their diagnosis. But, perhaps more striking is that the highest rates of unemployment are seen within the first 5 to 10 years following diagnosis. Given what we know about the negative physical and mental health consequences following unemployment and the benefits of being employed, it is imperative that we assist individuals with MS in staying employed and early intervention appears most warranted.
The following webinar discusses the individual factors affecting employment status among people living with MS.

Lauren Strober, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Kessler Foundation
Lauren Strober, PhD is a Senior Research Scientist in the Neuropsychology & Neuroscience Laboratory at Kessler Foundation, and Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at Rutgers University New Jersey Medical School. She is also a staff neuropsychologist at the Kessler Institute of Rehabilitation. Dr. Strober received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Pennsylvania State University at University Park in Clinical Psychology and completed her clinical internship at the Veterans Administration of Western New York in Buffalo, NY. She completed a two-year post-doctoral fellowship in Clinical Neuropsychology at the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Strober’s primary research interests consist of: (1) the phenomenological experience of secondary factors associated with MS and other neurological conditions (e.g., depression, fatigue, sleep disturbance, personality changes); (2) the influence of secondary factors on cognitive functioning, psychological well-being, and quality of life; (3) identification of person-specific factors accountable for various outcomes following illness or injury, and (4) the development of disease-specific measures of secondary factors (i.e., depression). As a clinical neuropsychologist, Dr. Strober’s clinical interests are in the assessment of cognitive and psychological sequalea following injury or illness and assisting her patients with the adjustment to such.
This webinar is co-sponsored by WWDPI and Pain BC.