October 19, 2022 12:00PM
The organ that creates pain is the brain. Unfortunately, this is sometimes portrayed as meaning it is "all in the head". In truth, any and all sensation from vision to hearing to pain must be processed through the brain. Furthermore, understanding the psychological factors that influence pain can give us many more avenues for helping patients with chronic pain.
In this presentation, Dr. Dayna Lee-Baggley will review the latest evidence on the psychological factors that influence pain and evidence-based tools that health care providers can use to better support people with chronic pain.

Dr. Dayna Lee-Baggley
Dr. Dayna Lee-Baggley is a Registered Clinical Psychologist in Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Ontario and Alberta with reciprocal agreements for clients in Atlantic Canada and Quebec. For close to 15 years, she worked as a Clinical Health Psychologist for medical, surgery, and cancer care units at the hospital. She has taken all this experience to open Dr. Lee-Baggley and Associates, a virtual health psychology clinic offering clinical interventions, training for healthcare providers, and educational courses on health-related topics. She holds an Assistant Professor appointment in the Department of Family Medicine and a cross-appointment in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Dalhousie University and an Adjunct Professor appointment in the Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Saint Mary’s University. She is an internationally recognized trainer in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.