November 24, 2022 12:00PM
Many social workers and counsellors report that their clients live with chronic pain, however, there are few occupation-specific educational opportunities for social workers and counsellors seeking to learn more about pain management. In this free webinar, social workers and Pain BC staff Melanie McDonald and Hardeep Gill will discuss chronic pain and the unique role that social workers/counsellors have in supporting clients to manage pain.
By the end of this webinar, learners will be able to:
- Define chronic pain and discuss its prevalence in Canada.
- Describe the impacts of living with chronic pain
- Describe approaches for social workers and counsellors to support people living with chronic pain.
- List free resources for clients living with chronic pain and continuing educational opportunities

Melanie McDonald
Melanie is Pain BC’s Director of Support Services. She has a master's degree in social work with a background working in direct practice, leadership, and clinical supervision in a variety of settings including oncology, hospice, and community care. She has a passion for supporting program development and leading diverse teams to deliver high quality and trauma-informed services. She is an Adjunct Professor (Research) at the University of British Columbia Faculty of Social Work.

Hardeep Gill
Hardeep originally joined Pain BC as a practicum student while completing her master's degree in social work. Her current role at Pain BC consists of supporting the development, delivery and evaluation of the Pain Support Line. Hardeep is also working with the Pain BC team on ways to offer current services to different cultural groups. Her professional experience includes working in healthcare, supporting survivors of domestic violence, and working with individuals experiencing homelessness.