Learn About Pain and Managing It


LivePlanBe+ is a free online self-management program for people living with pain. You can learn about pain according to your own pace and needs. Choose what topics to focus on, or use a customized learning plan. Learn through animated videos, written information, clips of people living with pain, interviews with health care providers, and reflection questions. Then, apply your learning by making small, practical changes to manage pain.


One of the best things you can do for your health is to learn about chronic pain and the different ways of managing it. The evidence-based resources on LivePlanBe include videos, text-based articles, audio files and webinars. They cover topics including mental health, economic well-being, medications and more. Our education content has been generously provided by experts working in relevant fields in BC, Canada, and beyond.

MyCarePath: A program for kids and teens

MyCarePath.ca is a free online tool designed for kids and teens aged 12-17 living with chronic pain. Find the information and tools to help you return to school, spend time with friends, and get back to doing things you love.

Pain Basics

This section contains information about chronic pain that everyone with a pain condition should understand. Articles explore the science of chronic pain and what must be done to shift it and return to a function-centred life.

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Everyday Living

The range of articles in this section cover self-management topics, along with practical advice on adapting your home environment to make work better for you, and lists of resources available in your community.

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Communication Strategies

Your ability to communicate well can be compromised when you're in pain. Difficult situations, like those caused by chronic conditions, can add an extra layer of complexity and need for good communication at a time when you might feel overwhelmed.

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Emotional Wellbeing

This section contains articles on the impacts of chronic pain on a range of human emotions and thoughts like stress, anger, spirituality, grief and loss.

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Goal Setting and Future Planning

Learning about motivation and goal-setting can be useful as you work towards building an action plan to move forward with your life. The articles in this section explain some of the tools that people have

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Support and Relationships

Pain affects our closest relationships in many ways. Our connection with family, close friends or intimate partners may be challenged, and it can be hard to know what to do to address frayed connections. This section looks at ways of maintaining connection in all types of close relationships.

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