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Chronic Pain and Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous populations experience chronic pain at disproportionate rates in comparison to their non-Indigenous counterparts. However, Indigenous populations are often less likely to obtain and receive care and support for their experiences of pain. This fact sheet includes resources for Indigenous peoples living with pain related to health care, mental health, housing, and more.

Income Supports

If chronic pain limits your ability to work, you may be eligible for provincial or federal income support. These sources of income support may help you.

  Arabic (.pdf) |   Punjabi (.pdf)

Psychosocial Community Resources

As you know, chronic pain is much more than just an uncomfortable feeling. Living with pain affects our bodies, our thoughts, our emotions, and how we relate to other people and the world around us.

Community resources are available to support you. Helping to manage your stress, mental health, physical health, sleep and practical needs can provide some relief when living with pain. The following free resources may provide you with some support as part of your pain journey.


Living with chronic pain can impact your ability to work or maintain the career path you had prior to developing pain. If you continue in the same role or position, it’s likely you may need to make adjustments. If the work you are doing is no longer feasible, finding other forms of income can be an even bigger adjustment. An important part of transitioning back to work is communicating with co-workers and employers about what you need in order to manage pain successfully.

  Arabic (.pdf) |   Punjabi (.pdf)